Chesapeake Bay Retrievers
6xBIS, GCHS Albridens the Show Must Go On "Aries"
6 all breed best in shows
and to many group placements to count. BOS Westminster 2019
OFA Good, Elbows normal, Shoulders normal, Patellas normal, Cardiac normal, CERF normal
EIC clear, PRA clear, DM clear, ED clear, Long Coat carrier, OFA Full Dentition, TgAA clear
CH SIlvercreek What I Like About You CD, RN
x CH Albridens Through the Looking Glass
Standing at stud with next generation gundogs
Major CH Pt'd Sandbars Encore of Grace at GE "Teddi"
Has both of her Majors and only needs 1 single to finish her CH title.
OFA Good, Elbows normal, Shoulders normal, Cardiac normal, Patellas normal, CERF normal
EIC clear, PRA clear, DM clear, Long Coat clear
6XBIS GCHS Albridens the S how Must Go On
x Sandbars State of Grace
MBOB, GCH Monarch and GE's Double Edged Sword "Edge"
OFA Good, Elbows normal, Shoulders normal, Patelles narmal, Cardiac normal, Thyroid normal, CERF clear
EIC carrier, DM clear, PRA clear, LC carrier
MBISS, GCH Chesabar's Anyone Anyone
x CH Chesabars All Eyes On Me CGC RN CD
GCH GE Quietly Making Noise "Smiley"
BOS Westminster 2018, MBOB winning, Multi-group placements
OFA good, Elbows normal, patellas normal, cardiac normal, full dentition, CERF normal
EIC clear, PRA clear, DM carrier, LC carrier
GCH Sandbar's Stock Exxchange
x GCH Monarch and GE's Double Edged Sword
Owned by Kelli Corcoran
GE's On the Ragged Edge of Valor "Valley"
EIC clear, PRA clear, DM clear, ED clear, Long coat carrier
6XBIS GCHS Albridens the Show Must Go On
x GCH Monarch and GE's Double Edged Sword